
(发表于2024-04-15  责编:gege)



端午节在英语中通常被称为 "Dragon Boat Festival"。

"端午节"被翻译成"Dragon Boat Festival"主要是因为端午节是中国的传统节日,与龙舟赛密切相关。在端午节期间,人们通常会举行龙舟比赛,这是节日的一项重要活动。因此,"Dragon Boat Festival"这个翻译更能准确地反映出端午节的特色和活动内容。



"Wishing you a joyful [holiday]!"

"May your [holiday] be filled with happiness and peace."

"Sending you warm wishes for a wonderful [holiday]."

"Wishing you and your family a blessed [holiday]."

"Hope you have a fantastic [holiday]!"

"Wishing you all the best on [holiday] and always."

"May the spirit of [holiday] bring you joy and prosperity."

"Warmest wishes for a joyful [holiday] season."

"Wishing you a magical and memorable [holiday]."

"Sending you love and light on this special [holiday]."



"安康"对应的英文表达是 "Well-being" 或 "Good health"。

"安康"之所以翻译为"well-being"或者"good health"而不是"happy",是因为"安康"强调的是身体健康和安全,而不仅仅是情绪上的快乐。"Well-being"和"good health"更准确地传达了这种含义,表达了对人们健康、幸福和安全的祝愿。虽然健康和幸福通常是相关的,但在翻译时,更多地强调了健康方面,因为"安康"更侧重于身体健康的祝福。


"端午节安康"的英文翻译可以是 "Wishing you health and well-being this Dragon Boat Festival."


"Wishing you a happy and prosperous Dragon Boat Festival!"

"May the Dragon Boat Festival bring you joy and blessings."

"Sending you warm wishes for a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival filled with happiness and good fortune."

"Wishing you and your family a joyful and memorable Dragon Boat Festival celebration."

"May the spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival fill your heart with happiness and peace."

"Wishing you success and prosperity in all your endeavors this Dragon Boat Festival."

"May the Dragon Boat Festival be a time of togetherness and happiness for you and your loved ones."

"Wishing you lots of fun and excitement on this special occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival."

"May the Dragon Boat Festival bring you closer to your family and friends, and fill your life with love and laughter."

"Wishing you a blessed Dragon Boat Festival, full of joy, good health, and prosperity."





  • 描述外观和材料:粽子通常是用糯米和其他馅料包裹在竹叶或者其他植物叶子中制成的。可以简要描述粽子的外观、形状和包裹材料。
  • 介绍传统:解释粽子在中国文化中的重要性和传统背景,特别是与端午节的关系。可以简要介绍端午节的由来和庆祝方式,以及为什么粽子是端午节期间的传统美食之一。
  • 讲述口感和味道:描述粽子的口感和味道,可以提到其香甜的口感和丰富的馅料,以及吃起来的感受。
  • 提及不同种类:简要介绍不同地区和文化背景下的粽子种类和口味差异,例如甜粽子和咸粽子,以及不同的馅料组合。
  • 分享吃粽子的习俗:介绍吃粽子的传统习俗,例如在端午节期间与家人团聚、赛龙舟等活动结合在一起吃粽子。
  • 邀请尝试:鼓励外国人尝试粽子,体验中国文化和美食的独特魅力。可以邀请他们参与一起包粽子或品尝现成的粽子。



Zongzi, also known as Chinese sticky rice dumplings, are traditional Chinese delicacies wrapped in bamboo leaves. These pyramid-shaped treats are commonly enjoyed during the Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional holiday celebrated in China. Zongzi typically consist of glutinous rice stuffed with various fillings such as pork, mushrooms, or sweet red bean paste. The bamboo leaves impart a subtle fragrance to the rice, enhancing its flavor. Eating zongzi is a cherished tradition during the Dragon Boat Festival, symbolizing unity and family reunion. People gather with their loved ones to enjoy these delicious treats while watching dragon boat races and participating in other festive activities. We invite you to experience the rich cultural heritage of China by indulging in the delightful flavors of zongzi during this special holiday.




  • 描述外观和特点:简要介绍龙舟的外观和特点,如长形船身、色彩艳丽的龙头和尾部、以及配备的划手等。
  • 介绍历史和文化背景:讲述龙舟的历史和文化背景,特别是与中国传统节日端午节的关系。解释龙舟赛的起源和意义,以及为什么龙舟是端午节期间的重要活动之一。
  • 说明比赛规则:简要介绍龙舟赛的比赛规则和赛制,包括船队组成、比赛距离、划船技巧等。
  • 强调团队合作:龙舟赛强调团队合作和协调,因此可以强调这一点,以及参与龙舟赛对于团队凝聚力和精神挑战的重要性。
  • 分享观赛体验:描述观看龙舟赛的体验,包括欢呼助威、感受比赛氛围和文化交流等。
  • 邀请参与:鼓励外国人积极参与龙舟赛,体验划船的乐趣和中国传统文化的魅力。



Dragon boats are traditional Chinese watercraft characterized by their long, narrow shape and ornate dragon heads and tails. They hold significant cultural importance in China and are prominently featured in the Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional holiday celebrated annually. Originating from ancient rituals to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune, dragon boat races have evolved into a popular sporting event that symbolizes teamwork, camaraderie, and the spirit of competition. Teams of rowers work together to propel the elaborately decorated boats through the water, accompanied by the rhythmic drumming of a drum aboard the boat. The spectacle of dragon boat racing is not only thrilling to watch but also offers a unique glimpse into Chinese culture and traditions.












Mugwort and calamus are two traditional Chinese herbs with significant cultural and medicinal value. Mugwort, known as "ai cao" in Chinese, is characterized by its feathery leaves and is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine for its healing properties. It is often utilized in moxibustion therapy, where dried mugwort leaves are burned near the skin to stimulate acupuncture points and promote healing. Calamus, or "chang pu" in Chinese, is a perennial herb with aromatic rhizomes that are used in herbal medicine and aromatherapy. In traditional Chinese medicine, calamus is believed to have properties that aid digestion, improve cognitive function, and relieve pain. Both mugwort and calamus have deep roots in Chinese culture and are often associated with traditional festivals and rituals. Mugwort is particularly significant during the Dragon Boat Festival, where it is used to ward off evil spirits and ensure good health. These herbs offer a fascinating glimpse into the rich tapestry of Chinese herbal medicine and cultural traditions.



1. 粽子 (Zongzi) - Zongzi

我们家每年端午节都会包粽子。 (We make zongzi every year for the Dragon Boat Festival.)

2. 端午节 (Duānwǔ Jié) - Dragon Boat Festival

端午节是中国传统节日之一。 (The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals.)

3. 龙舟 (Lóngzhōu) - Dragon boat

我们准备好了龙舟,准备参加明天的比赛。 (We've prepared the dragon boat and are ready for tomorrow's race.)

4. 艾草 (Àicǎo) - Mugwort

端午节期间,人们会用艾草进行艾灸疗法。 (During the Dragon Boat Festival, people use mugwort for moxibustion therapy.)

5. 菖蒲 (Chāngpú) - Calamus

菖蒲是一种常见的端午节香料。 (Calamus is a common ingredient used during the Dragon Boat Festival.)

6. 香包 (Xiāngbāo) - Scented sachet

我们给家人和朋友送了香包作为端午节的礼物。 (We gave scented sachets to family and friends as gifts for the Dragon Boat Festival.)

7. 赛龙舟 (Sài Lóngzhōu) - Dragon boat race

每年端午节我们都会举办赛龙舟比赛。 (We hold dragon boat races every year during the Dragon Boat Festival.)

8. 端午粽 (Duānwǔ zòng) - Dragon Boat Festival rice dumplings

端午节粽子的香味令人垂涎欲滴。 (The aroma of Dragon Boat Festival rice dumplings is irresistible.)

9. 雄黄酒 (Xiónghuáng jiǔ) - Realgar wine

一些地区的人们会喝雄黄酒以驱邪祈福。 (People in some regions drink realgar wine to ward off evil spirits during the Dragon Boat Festival.)

10. 打龙舟 (Dǎ lóngzhōu) - Rowing dragon boats

我们一家人明天要一起去打龙舟。 (Our family is going rowing dragon boats together tomorrow.)
